DVPG Member Testimonials
“The power of group buying that you can’t match yourself.”
-Rip Reynolds, Goochie Brothers Restaurant
“If we didn’t have DVPG we would be out there spending 30-40% more.”
-Tom Kaliamouris, Maritsa’s Cuisine
“Getting paid to use products you’ve already been buying. The word no-brainer comes to mind.”
-Costantino LaMarca, Casamari
About Us
The Delaware Valley Purchasing Group is a member operated non-profit food service organization serving over 1,700 independently owned, credit worthy, food service establishments.
DVPG negotiates wholesale pricing of food, beverage, supplies and services necessary for restaurant operations.
Please Contact DVPG Headquarters for Upcoming General Meetings & Events:
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Rebates, Pricing Discounts, Promotions

Farmer’s Choice Brand Products
Exclusive to DVPG Members